*you will need to have a Voicebank already on hand
*you can get a Voicebank from dsoundsoft.com/voice
~How to Use the Voicebanks in the Application~[]
- Once you've downloaded the Voicebank's files, make sure you open your Files Explorer and find the file. (it will be in Hanzi)
- Extract the file directly into the extracted NIAONiao folder named "src"
and there you go! you have the ability to use the VoiceBanks.
If you made the mistake of forgetting to redirect the file's extraction here's an alternate way:
- Find the extracted folder to NIAONiao
- Right click on NIAONiao's folder to make a quick access shortcut in the Files Explorer or a normal shortcut on your Desktop.
- Find the extracted folder for the Voicebank you downloaded
- Drag and drop the Voicebank's folder onto NIAONiao's folder.
- Open NIAONiao's folder to find the folder named "src"
- Drag and drop the Voicebank folder to "src"
and there you go! you can still use the VoiceBank.