NIAONiao Virtual Singer Wikia
Mako Nagone
Mako nagone
Physical attributes
Height 158 cm - 160 cm
Weight 46 kg
Gender Female
Age 21 (old UTAU+ Niaoniao) ; 19 (new UTAU age)
Character Information
Character Item Umeboshi/plum
Birthday 20th of August
Sign Leo
Personality Hardworking yet lazy, is good at bugging off, uses her free time for singing
Hobbies Eating umeboshi (a dried, pickled ume plum), ninja

Mako Nagone (和音マコ) is an UTAUloid and one of the first UTAUloids to own a NIAONiao voicebank through import and/or created for the program. She sings in Japanese and her NiaoNIAO JP voicebank's current version is 1.0. She's a ninja and was voiced by makonaka, and created by kenchan. She started as an UTAU on the 20th of August 2008. It is unknown if she will be updated again.

You can learn more about her character here.