NIAONiao Virtual Singer Wikia
Printto Magicbeat
Physical attributes
Height 175 cm
Weight 60 kg
Gender Male
Age 16
Character Information
Character Item Papaya
Birthday 31 March
Sign Aries
Personality Fun guy, can use magic, can fly, often be with his twin (Yokina Magicbeat)
Dislikes Workin

Printto Magicbeat is a voicebank originally made for UTAU. He recieved a Chinese NIAONiao voicebank in 2016.

His test demo can be found here.

His voicebank is available for download here.

As seen in the demo, there are some pronunciation issues (e.g. "耳[er]" being pronounced like the English sound "ir" instead of "ar") and it is missing the 用 (yong) phoneme.

PRINTmov allows the voicebank to be imported into UTAU manually. An example of his NIAONiao voicebank in UTAU can be seen here.