Sasayakine Xue (ささやき音雪) is a NIAONiao singer that mostly sings in Japanese, and will have a Chinese bank in the future. Xue will also have an UTAU bank soon. He is voiced by Ryouichii. His name, Xue Sasayakine, is a mix between Chinese (Xue) and Japanese (Sasayakine). Xue means Snow, and Sasayakine means Whisper Sound.
Voice Library[]
Xue's bank has not been finished, but it is in Development. His JP Bank is to be released first, as he is more oriented towards Japanese.
NIAONiao JP: In development
NIAONiao CHN: Not started
UTAU Banks: Private due to complications rendering files.
Xue is an artificial being, created by snow. He has no knowledge of normal people, and keeps himself shut away from them. He refrains from ever talking to anyone, or anything, but he talks to the snow thinking that it's alive. He sings to the snow sometimes and it makes Xue feel better about his existance.