NIAONiao Virtual Singer Wikia
NIAONiao Virtual Singer Wikia
Yoca body
Physical attributes
Height 167 cm
Gender Female
Age 16
Character Information
Character Item A sky blue-coloured deck of cards
Birthday 10th of March
Sign Pisces
Personality An easily touched and sensitive girl. She's a little lazy.
Hobbies Flying poker (card game)
Dislikes Going to bed early

YOCA is a bilingual virtual singer created for NiaoNIAO. She has Chinese and Japanese voicebanks, both on version 1.0. She is voiced by Xiaowan Gao (高小丸 Xiǎowán Gāo).

*unfortunately her Voicebanks can not be downloaded at this current time*

Her voice can be heard here (YT reprint).